Dr. Gopalasamy Reuben Clements

University of Nottingham

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Gopalasamy Reuben Clements was a former Postdoctoral Research Associate with Bill Laurance in the Center for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science at James Cook University. He is currently a researcher with Panthera and an Honorary Assistant Professor with the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Reuben was previously the Species Conservation Manager for WWF-Malaysia, managing over 20 people in WWF’s Malayan tiger and Sumatran rhinoceros projects in Peninsular Malaysia. He has also contributed to assessments of several IUCN Red Listed species and reviews of IUCN technical reports and World Heritage nominations. Reuben has accumulated over nine years of research experience on molluscs and mammals in the Malay Archipelago with over 40 ISI peer-reviewed papers, some of which have been featured the New York Times, Mongabay.com, National Geographic, Nature and CNN. In that time, Reuben has also been actively contributing to wildlife conservation on-the-ground through his involvement in anti-poaching, improvement of wildlife legislation, and mobilization of local communities to mitigate human-wildlife conflict. In 2010, Reuben co-founded a non-profit research group known as Rimba, which also serves as a platform to communicate research findings and conservation news to the general public.