We're celebrating 6 months since launching ALERT!
Green groups in 'desperate' bid to halt Australian eco-calamity
Beware environmental wolves in sheep's clothing
Good news: Deforestation slowing in some countries
Bill Laurancedeforestation, REDD+, governance, law enforcement, payments for ecosystem services, empowering local communities, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Vietnam, Equatorial Africa, carbon emissions, moratoria, soy, beef, deforestation drivers, Guyana, Kenya, Madagascar
Mega-corporation still destroying forests, despite green pledge
Bill LauranceAPRIL, Sumatra, Indonesia, paper pulp, deforestation, forest clearing, rainforest, biodiversity, no-deforestation pledge, no deforestation, Foreign Correspondent, Bill Laurance, Greenpeace
Rainforests imperiled by environmental 'one-two punch'
Bill Laurancehabitat fragmentation, carbon dioxide, atmospheric chemistry, environmental synergism, Amazon, Amazon rainforest, tropical rainforest, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, trees, vines, Brazil, forest dynamics, climate change, global change
Nature worth "$145 trillion per year" to humanity
Bill Lauranceecosystem services, valuation of nature, economics, Robert Costanza, land-use change, habitat destruction, natural resources, TEEB, carbon storage, crop pollination, recreation, flood mitigation, clean water, clean air, environmental economics
Species disappearing "1000 times faster than normal"
Bill Laurancebiodiversity, biodiversity hotspots, species extinctions, unknown species, local endemics, missing species, habitat destruction, Stuart Pimm, tropical forests, endangered species, species losses
Crisis time for India's endangered forests
The 'environmental group' that's anti-environmental
Bill LauranceAustralian Environment Foundation, Institute of Public Affairs, World Heritage, Tasmania, Tasmanian forests, Tony Abbott government, Australian Liberal Party, doublespeak, climate change, wind farms, green thuggery, Alan Oxley, anti-environment, anti-environmental
Brazil funds world's biggest reserve network
The mega-bank that's imperiling the Amazon
African ecosystems assailed by foreign-funded mining boom
Bill LauranceAfrica, mining, mining boom, foreign investment, China, Australia, Brazil, Russia, India, Canada, corruption, environmental damage, African wildlife
IUCN slams plan to de-list Tasmanian forests
Aussies fight attack on Tasmanian World Heritage
When it comes to climate change, there are two USAs
Bill LauranceUSA, America, climate change, global warming, Democrats, Republicans, Democratic Party, Republican Party, attitudes about environment, industrial nations, developing nations
Help ALERT combat threats to crucial Malaysian park
Gopalasamy Reuben ClementsSelangor State Park, Malaysia, Peninsular Malaysia, endangered species, deforestation, road expansion, park degazettement, habitat fragmentation, ecosystem services, watershed, catchment, water quality, petition
Melbourne woman combats illegal rhino-horn trade
Eco-pariah? Why Japan refuses to stop whaling
Universities: destroyers of life or opportunity for biodiversity?