The world's two most dangerous environmental trends
Bill LauranceBrazilian development bank, BNDES, AIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, infrastructure, G20, roads, mining, dams, hydroelectric dams, Brazil, China, World Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, environmental impacts, deforestation, climate change
Amazon update: 'Sustainable' corporation under fire, appears to plan huge increase in forest destruction
Bill LauranceUnited Cacao, Peruvian Amazon, Peru, deforestation, La Region newspaper, Cacao del Peru Norte, cacao, oil palm, biodiversity, Dennis Melka, forest clearing, climate change
ALERT's latest campaign: 'Sustainable' corporation blasted for destroying Amazon rainforest
Bill LauranceUnited Cacao, Peru, Peruvian Amazon, deforestation, cacao, chocolate, Cacao del Peru Norte, Thomas Lovejoy, Lian Pin Koh, William Laurance, environmental sustainability, green-washing, tropical rainforest, illegal mining, illegal logging
What's the biggest killer of people in developing nations? The answer will surprise you.
Bill Laurancepollution, human mortality, air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, respiratory diseases, cardiac disease, diabetes, obesity, developing nations, Southeast Asia, Amazon, World Health Organization, Ensia Magazine
GM crops: Good or bad for nature?
The good and bad news about Brazil's soy moratorium
Bill LauranceAmazon, Brazil, Soy Moratorium, Cerrado, biodiversity, global warming, soy lobby, Forest Code, Holly Gibbs, deforestation, Amazon rainforest, China, Europe, soy exports, environmental boycotts
Global gold rush is killing the world's rainforests
Bill Laurancegold, illegal gold mining, blood gold, South America, mercury, sedimentation, aquatic ecosystems, deforestation, poaching, indigenous peoples, French Guiana, Guianas, Magdalena Valley, roads, global financial crisis, Interoceanic Highway, Peru, Amazon
Roads to ruin: Southeast Asia's most environmentally destructive highways
Bill Lauranceroads, highways, deforestation, hunting, poaching, illegal logging, illegal mining, Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Gopalasamy Reuben Clements, endangered mammals, endangered species, wilderness, endemic species, Philippines, roads to ruin
Football fields of deforestation: What does it mean?
Bill Laurancedeforestation, deforestation rates, football fields, Indonesia, soccer, American football, educating the public, Erik Meijaard, metric units, forest destruction
Please take ALERT's 60-second poll!
Good news, bad news for the Amazon
Disaster ahead for Sumatra's forests?
Bill LauranceSumatra, Leuser Ecosystem, Aceh, Aceh spatial plan, deforestation, Indonesia, Erik Meijaard, logging, mining, roads, tigers, orangutans, ele, rhinos, flooding, Aceh government
Growing evidence that forests reduce flood risk
Bill Lauranceflooding, native forests, flood risk, flood reduction, flood damage, Malaysia, Corey Bradshaw, Jie-Sheng Tan Soo, insurance rates, disaster relief, taxes, floodplains
A new Armageddon for amphibians?
Bill Lauranceamphibians, frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, caecilians, exotic pathogens, novel diseases, foreign pathogens, introduced pathogens, chytrid fungus, Ranavirus, viruses, species extinction, biodiversity, aquatic ecosystems
Australia's shame: World Heritage sites in peril
Bill LauranceWet Tropics World Heritage Area, Wet Tropics of Queensland, Australia, Queensland government, Australian federal government, Tony Abbott, World Heritage, Great Barrier Reef, Virunga National Park, World Heritage Outlook Report, Salonga National Park, Tropical Rainforests Heritage of Sumatra, climate change, invasive species, infrastructure, urbanization, feral animals, Wet Tropics Management Authority, environmental impact assessments, cultural values, biodiversity
Progress in the battle against illegal logging
Bill Lauranceillegal logging, Chatham House, timber-importing nations, USA, Britain, France, Japan, Netherlands, FLEGT, Lacey Act, Illegal-logging Prohibition Act, Australia, China, Russia, Malaysia, Alan Oxley, wood products, paper products
Bizarre story in the Washington Post
Bill LauranceNigeria, logging, rainforest, deforestation, Washington Post, Nicole Crowder, Watergate, Akintunde Akinleye, photographs, Brazil, Brazilian Amazon, forest fires, smoke, Matt Hansen, University of Maryland, Global Forest Watch,
Obama eco-speech infuriates Aussie conservatives
Bill LauranceG20, Barack Obama, Tony Abbott, climate change, global warming, carbon emissions, China, University of Queensland, Julie Bishop, Great Barrier Reef, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, heat waves, illegal logging, World Heritage Site in Danger, UNESCO
Malaysian 'eco-thug' tries to halt book exposing his crimes
Bill LauranceAdbul Taib, Sarawak, corruption, logging, oil palm, Borneo, environmental crimes, Money Logging, Gordon Brown, Lukas Straumann, Malaysia
Turn up the heat on McDonald's for killing orangutans