Rhett Butler


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Rhett Butler founded Mongabay.com in 1999 and currently serves as president and editor-in-chief of the web site. He is also the founder and executive director of Mongabay.org, a non-profit that was spun-off from Mongabay.com in 2011. Rhett runs WildMadagascar.org, a site that highlights the cultural and biological richness of Madagascar, and the Tropical Forest Network, a social network in the San Francisco Bay Area broadly interested in tropical forest conservation and ecology. Rhett is the co-founder of Tropical Conservation Science, an open-access academic journal that aims to provide opportunities for scientists in developing countries to publish their research. From 2010-2012, Rhett was an advisor on tropical forests to the Skoll Foundation. Rhett’s writing and photographs have been published widely, including in academic journals. Rhett attended university at UC San Diego, focusing on Economics-Management Science.