ALERT's efforts to protect rhino reserve gaining traction
ALERT is helping to lead international efforts to protect Chitwan National Park in Nepal from large-scale railroad and roading projects (see 'Heart of the Jungle' blog below). Chitwan is a global wonder--a World Heritage site that harbors over 700 wildlife species, including a fifth of the world's one-horned rhinoceros.
Chitwan--where the rhinos roam (photo by Grzegorz Mikusinski)
We are happy to report our efforts are beginning to gain some momentum:
-ALERT's recent press release on Chitwan was circulated to hundreds of media outlets globally, a number of which published the release or wrote brief stories about it.
- The Ecologist has just published an excellent article on this issue, using information we helped to provide.
- Members of the European Commission we briefed are showing strong interest in the issue, and are considering contacting the Nepalese delegation about it.
- An online petition to protect Chitwan has just been started at Avaaz. Please sign the petition and ask your friends and colleagues to do likewise!
This is still very early days and your help is needed. Please circulate the Avaaz petition and the link for The Ecologist story widely.