Do the world a favor: Dob in an eco-sinner today
Want to do the world a favor? The next time you see somebody harming wildlife or the environment, turn 'em in.
Dying for their skins...
In late February we wrote about a new website called WildLeaks -- established especially for anonymously dobbing in environmental sinners. Guess what? It's working.
In just its first three months, WildLeaks has resulted in tip-offs for 24 major wildlife crimes, including leads on elephant and tiger poaching, and illegal fishing and forest destruction.
The crimes that WildLeaks has recently unearthed include:
• elephant poaching in Africa and illegal ivory trading in Hong Kong
• the killing of perilously rare Sumatran tigers
• trafficking of live chimpanzees in Liberia
• illegal fishing in Alaska, with alleged links to the Mafia
• Illegal imports of African wildlife products into the US
• illegal logging in Mexico, Malawi, and Siberia
The designer of WildLeaks, Andrea Crosta, is a pro at this stuff. An expert on elephant conservation, his past exploits include revealing how Somalian terrorists used ivory smuggling to fund their activities.
WildLeaks takes the security of its informants seriously. Every tip that WildLeaks receives is examined by a team of legal and security experts, who then liaise confidentially with relevant law-enforcement authorities.
Thanks to WildLeaks, those who profit handsomely from eco-crimes -- which total hundreds of billions of dollars annually --- will be spending a little more time glancing nervously over their own shoulders.