Posts in Infrastructure Expansion
World’s Largest Mangrove Forest Reels from Aggressive Development
The Path to Our Next Pandemic
Hidden Risks of the Belt & Road: Financiers Beware!
Will China Overrun Latin America?
Borneo Road-Building Spree Among ‘World’s Scariest’ Environmental Threats
Learning to Say ‘No’ to Risky Mega-Projects
Surging Development Dangers in Indonesian New Guinea
The Trouble with Environmental Impact Assessments
Should We Fear the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank?
Infrastructure Expansion, Editors PicksBill LauranceAIIB, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Transport Sector Strategy, roads, railways, ports, airports, sea ports, China, Belt and Road Initiative, greening infrastructure, carbon emissions, Pandora's Box effect, deforestatoon, deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, illegal mining, land grabs, strategic land-use planning, SEAs, strategic environmental assessments, biodiversity hotspot, Important Bird Areas, Key Biodiversity Areas, Global 200 Ecoregions, corruption, governance, stranded assets, foreign debt, wilderness, threatened species, tigers, Saiga antelope, Giant Pandas
Investors Beware: Infrastructure Projects Are Collapsing
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceChina, Belt and Road Initiative, One Belt One Road, high-speed railway, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, investors, infrastructure, railway, road, hydropower, dam, hydroelectric dam, PNG-LNG, Papua New Guinea - Liquid Natural Gas Project, Papua New Guinea, natural gas, tax avoidance, ExxonMobil, social violence, Amazon, Brazilian Amazon, deforestation, poaching, illegal mining, Michel Temer, President Lula, Brazil, corruption, bribery, risk-reward tradeoff, transparency, developing nations, Australia, Darwin Harbor, Darwin Port, Exim, Chinese Export-Import Bank, Xi Jinping
China's Belt & Road is "Environmentally Riskiest Venture Ever"
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceBelt and Road Initiative, One Belt One Road, China, infrastructure, roads, Bill Laurance, Asia, Africa, Asia-Pacific region, Europe, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, railroads, ports, extractive industries, global warming, fossil fuels, poaching, extinction, protected areas
What a Giant Snake can Teach us About Designing Cities for the Future
Infrastructure Expansion, Most PopularBill Lauranceurban growth, urban planning, cities, megacities, wildlife, wildlife-friendly cities, Amesthetine Python, roadkill, urban biodiversity, cassowary, grizzly bear, connectivity, greenbelt, wildlife corridor, riparian vegetation, habitat fragmentation, pets, dogs, cats, feral animals, landscapes of fear, housing sprawl, urban islands, stepping stones, Singapore Index, proactive land-use planning, air pollution, flooding, water quality, carbon storage, heat-islands, epidemic disease, nature education, Cairns
Is China so Big it Only Listens to Itself?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceChina, One Belt One Road, Belt and Road Initiative, Polar Silk Road, 21st Century Silk Road, Chinese Academy of Sciences, big data, roads, infrastructure, extractive industries, mining, logging, Xi Jinping, public media, propaganda, Trump Administration
Why Chop the Amazon Rainforest in Half?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceAmazon, rainforest, road, BR-319, BR-174, Manaus, Porto Velho, habitat fragmentation, poaching, logging, fires, BR-163, Rio Negro Bridge, William Laurance, Philip Fearnside, land speculation, illegal mining
New Roads Are Devastating The Congo
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceCongo, deforestation, logging, mining, illegal logging, poaching, Cross River Gorilla, Cameroon, Nigeria, Eugene Dongmo, Louis Nkembi, Arend de Haas, GLAD data, time-series, infrastructure, roads, fragmentation, EIAs, protected areas, law enforcement, China, Chinese loggers, Chinese miners, remote-sensing data, cultural conservation, Africa, rainforest
Mining Madness In The Amazon
Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceEcuador, mining, industrial mining, illegal gold mining, Michel Temer, John Seed, Philip Fearnside, Protected Forests, Bosques Protectores, mining concessions, PADDD, endemic birds, Andes, RENCA, roads, deforestation, garampeiros, illegal roads, Ruralist
Deadly Din: The Growing Assault of Noise Pollution
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Laurancenoise, car noise, noise pollution, decibels, blood pressure, heart disease, stress, hearing impairments, immune effects, birth defects, developing nations, protected areas, USA, Europe, migrating birds, road avoidance, Henry David Thoreau, invisible habitat deterioration
How Roads Can Cause Economic and Social Meltdown
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Lauranceroads, highways, infrastructure, deforestation, carbon emissions, poaching, wildlife, wildfires, Pandora's Box, video, land-use planning, economic benefits, social stability, social benefits, jobs, politics, development policy
Road Rage: The Real Reason Roads Are So Dangerous
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Lauranceroads, highways, infrastructure, Asia, Africa, Amazon, poaching, deforestation, land-use planning, land-use change, climate change, global warming, James Cook University, TESS, ALERT, developing countries, developing nations
Which Nations Are Causing The Most Environmental Damage?
Infrastructure ExpansionBill Laurancedeforestation, foreign investment, AIIB, tropical deforestation, Latin America, South America, China, pollution havens, belt and road project, World Bank, carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, extinction, Yale Environment 360, poaching, wildlife poaching, illegal wildlife trade, ivory, ivory smuggling, rhino horn, pangolin