Do forests function like 'biotic pumps' for rainfall? RainforestsBill LauranceFebruary 10, 2014climate, rainfall, forests, deforestation, biotic pump, evapotranspiration, water vapor Comment
Conservation corridors: a hot topic Conservation, Editors PicksBill LauranceFebruary 7, 2014conservation corridor, wildlife corridor, habitat fragmentation, wounded landscapes, extinction, Stuart Pimm, deforestation, faunal movement, forest carbon, REDD, climate changeComment
China acknowledges role in global elephant slaughter Conservation, Most PopularBill LauranceFebruary 7, 2014elephants, illegal ivory, ivory, China, illegal wildlife trade, blood ivory, poaching, Chinese government, African elephant, Asian elephantComment
Australia called 'most hostile' to the environment PoliticsBill LauranceFebruary 5, 2014environmental protection, Australia, Tony Abbott, Liberal-National Coalition, protected areas, national parks, Great Barrier Reef, sharks, illegal loggingComment
ALERT helps lead efforts to protect 'Heart of the Jungle' ConservationBill LauranceFebruary 4, 2014one-horned rhinoceros, Indian rhinoceros, Chitwan National Park, Nepal, poaching, rhino horn, railroad, roads, habitat fragmentation, endangered species, Heart of the JungleComment
Will Australia back-slide on its illegal logging bill? ConservationBill LauranceJanuary 31, 2014illegal logging, illegal logging bill, Australia, conservative government, anti-illegal logging bill, deforestation, illegal trade, organized crime, LNP government, Tony Abbott, Lacey Act, FLEGTComment
Massive oil palm project threatens biodiversity in Cameroon Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceJanuary 30, 2014oil palm, Cameroon, primates, Herakles, deforestation, buffer zones, protected areas, national parks, drivers of deforestationComment
For populations of endangered species, how small is too small? ConservationBill LauranceJanuary 29, 2014endangered species, 50/500 rule, genetic management, effective population size, rare species, random demographic events, minimum critical population size, population viability analysis, scientific debateComment
Earth's big predators 'being decimated' ConservationBill LauranceJanuary 29, 2014predators, carnivores, apex predators, mammals, extinction, hunting, trapping, habitat loss, tigers, bears, wild dogs, sea otters, big catsComment
How does forest fragmentation affect birds? Infrastructure Expansion, ConservationBill LauranceJanuary 29, 2014birds, bird communities, tropical forests, habitat fragmentation, deforestation, insectivores, frugivores, ecosystem services, ripple effects, temperate forests, temperate ecosystems, global analysis, meta-analysis, extinction, fragment sizeComment
Agriculture will massively impact the tropics Conservation, Most PopularBill LauranceJanuary 27, 2014agriculture, deforestation, land use, energy supplies, land sparing, land sharing, biofuels, global food security, tropical ecosystems, tropical biodiversity, biodiversity, freshwater ecosystems, Africa, South America, global food demand, farming, grazingComment
Where should roads go and not go? Infrastructure ExpansionBill LauranceJanuary 25, 2014roads, deforestation, global road map, forest conservation, hunting, agriculture, yield gaps, highways, land-use zoning, protected area, parksComment
Landmark precedent: Indonesian courts found palm oil company guilty of illegally burning in Leuser Ecosystem PoliticsEllen FieldJanuary 13, 2014Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia, PT Kallista Alam, court rulingComment
100,000 flying foxes die in Australian heat wave Flying foxes die en masse when the thermometer hits 41 degrees C Read More WildlifeBill LauranceJanuary 8, 2014flying fox, fruit bat, Australia, heat wave, global warming, Queensland, wildlifeComment
The year's top stories for tropical forests RainforestsBill LauranceJanuary 3, 2014tropical forests, Malaysia, Indonesia, Amazon, Brazil, deforestation, logging, Borneo, oil palm, zero deforestation, Asian Pulp & Paper, paper pulp plantations, deforestation drivers, overhuntingComment
Are vines taking over the world? RainforestsBill LauranceJanuary 1, 2014vines, global change, climate change, lianas, forest ecology, forest conservationComment
Should conservationists fight for the past or the future? ConservationBill LauranceDecember 26, 2013conservation strategy, extinction, conservation debate, AmazonComment
How many species will go extinct? ConservationBill LauranceDecember 21, 2013extinction, species extinction, species-area curves, global biodiversity, Stuart PimmComment
ALERT supports online petition for Leuser Ecosystem Conservation, Editors PicksEllen FieldDecember 20, 2013Sumatra, Leuser Ecosystem, World Heritage, elephant, orangutan, tiger, rhinoceros, rainforest, ALERT
Forests reduce flooding Rainforests, Most PopularBill LauranceDecember 20, 2013floods, flooding, ecosystem services, rainforest, hydrologyComment