Globally, governments are cracking down on environmental groups
Bill Lauranceenvironmental groups, green groups, The Conversation, Susan Laurance, Bill Laurance, Cambodia, China, Lao, India, anti-environmental fervor, environmental boycotts, gag clauses, Australia, illegal logging, political conservatives, industry mouthpieces, global warming
Will tigers survive in India?
Dramatic spike in Amazon deforestation
Bill LauranceBrazilian Amazon, deforestation, roads, railroad, Brazil, soy moratorium, protected areas, President Lula, Dorothy Stang, Philip Fearnside, illegal roads, cattle ranching, Brazilian exports
China to punch 5,000-kilometer railroad through the Amazon
Bill LauranceTrans-Amazon Railway, A, Amazon railway, Brazil, Peru, Brazilian Atlantic forest, Cerrado, iron ore, timber, soy, Exports to China, Li Keqiang, South America, Nicaragua Canal, Colombia, Peruvian Amazon, indigenous peoples
The next big environmental crisis: Indonesian New Guinea
Bill LauranceIndonesian New Guinea, Papua, West Papua, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, industrial logging, oil palm, mining, transmigration, Trans-Papuan Highway, Borneo, Sumatra, President Joko Widodo, biodiversity, deforestation
Deadly Australian drop bears are much more abundant than previously thought
Bill LauranceDrop Bears, Thylarctos plummetus, Koala Bear, Australia, forests, predators, tourists, Australian Geographer, Volker Janssen, human attacks, James Cook University
Eastern-Australian forests projected to be global hotspot of deforestation
Could tropical species be intensively vulnerable to global warming?
Bill Lauranceglobal warming, species extinctions, local endemics, montane species, biodiversity, heat waves, flying foxes, white lemuroid possum, lizards, north Queensland, Mexico, Pierre-Michel Forget, thermal specialists, elevational specialists, Australian wet tropics
Heated debate over boreal forests
Bill Lauranceboreal forests, habitat fragmentation, forest edges, edge effects, Nick Haddad, Jeff Wells, Joe Sexton, Corey Bradshaw, Canada, Siberia, migratory species, breeding birds, scientific debate, habitat fragmentation experiments, taiga, forest fires, Amazon, Congo Basin, logging, seismic exploration, wilderness, Alberta, Russia, climate change, insect outbreaks
Roads to ruin: The devastating impacts of the global infrastructure explosion
Bill Lauranceroads, infrastructure, G20 nations, New York Times, New Scientist, Bill Laurance, dams, hydroelectric dams, power lines, gas lines, mining, fossil fuels, road expansion, deforestation, species extinctions, biodiversity loss, dinosaur extinctions, International New York Times, forest elephants, overhunting, poaching, logging roads
Rate of tropical rainforest destruction leaps by 62 percent
Bill Laurancetropical deforestation, tropical rainforests, deforestation, Democratic Republic of Congo, Brazil, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Neotropics, African tropics, University of Maryland, Landsat, satellite monitoring, FAO, biodiversity loss, extinctions
Scientific group worries about future of Cambodian and S.E. Asian environments
Bill LauranceATBC, ATBC-Asia-Pacific, Phnom Penh Declaration, Mondulkuri Province, Srea Ampos-Kbal Damrei Road, WWF Greater Mekong, Cam, Cambodia, Leopard, Elephant, Banteng, wildlife poaching, illegal logging, Seng Teak, William Laurance, infrastructure expansion, roads, dams, Mekong River, environmental impact assessments
Wildlife poaching: Conservation on the borders
Bill LauranceXTBG, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanic Garden, transboundary conservation, illegal wildlife trade, ivory, elephants, rhinos, rhino horn, pangolins, endangered species, CITES, Alice Hughes
Habitat fragmentation is having "terrifying" effects on ecosystems
Bill Laurancehabitat fragmentation, deforestation, Nick Haddad, Thomas Lovejoy, William Laurance, Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, experimental studies, roads, forest invasions, edge effects, Amazon Basin, Congo Basin, forest elephants, poaching
Can the alarming resurgence in Australian land clearing be halted?
Why biodiversity is declining even as protected areas increase
Bill Lauranceprotected areas, biodiversity, biodiversity loss, extinction, habitat destruction, land sparing, land sharing, Ro Hill, infrastructure, G20 nations
PNG Forestry: weak governance & corruption hurts local people and the environment
Bill LauranceSABLs, SPABLs, Papua New Guinea, land grabs, Malaysia, Andrew Lang, World Biogenergy Association, 1996 Land Act, custormary land owners, timber exports, timber theft, oil palm, PNG
ALERT scientists tell G20 leaders to stop the 'infrastructure insanity'!
Bill LauranceG20, G20 nations, infrastructure, roads, dams, mining, power lines, gas lines, fossil fuels, deforestation, habitat loss, overhunting, Bill Laurance, Tom Lovejoy, Current Biology, global warming
Australia’s ‘Ecological Axis of Evil’ triggers native mammal collapse
Bill Laurancenorthern Australia, mammal declines, quolls, native rodents, bandicoots, smaller vertebrates, overgrazing, fire management, fires, feral animals, feral cats, dingoes, invasive species, livestock grazing, protected areas, species extinction, biodiversity crisis, Australia, Mark Ziembicki
India's growing environmental crisis