Will India slash environmental protections?
Megadiversity in peril?
Gopalasamy Reuben ClementsPeninsular Malaysia, Malaysia, Rimba, Gopalasamy Reuben Clements, Sheema Aziz, tiger, elephant, deforestation, oil palm, logging, hunting
Scientists slam Australia for being, well, stupid
The hottest of the biodiversity hotspots?
Eco-crisis: The devastation of Borneo's forests
Bill LauranceBorneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, deforestation, industrial logging, selective logging, slash-and-burn, oil palm plantations, oil palm, pulpwood plantations, biodiversity, biodiversity hotspot, forest clearing
Birds wiped out by pesticides: A new 'Silent Spring'?
Bill Laurancepesticides, bird declines, DDT, Silent Spring, Rachel Carson, Netherlands, neonicotinoid pesticide, bee declines, environmental toxins, insectivorous birds
Will an avalanche of private money help or hurt Africa?
Bill LauranceAfrica, private investment, Bruce Wrobel, Herakles Farms, Cameroon, Christiane Badgley, Joshua Linder, biodiversity hotspot, oil palm, Foreign Policy Magazine, mining, infrastructure
Religious leaders: Environmental destruction "is a sin"
Does 'vampire' squirrel have world's fluffiest tail?
Will the World Bank increase eco-destructive loans?
Bill LauranceWorld Bank, environmentally destructive loans, Amazon, Indonesia, India, biodiversity offsets, deforestation, hydroelectric dams, soy farming, oil palm plantations, human rights
Momentous changes ahead for the tropics
Bill Laurancepopulation growth, tropical nations, deforestation, global change, James Cook University, Aung San Suu Kyi, State of the Tropics, global trends, Sandra Harding, food demand, biofuels
The lunacy of Australia's shark culls
Cool videos to promote environmental awareness
Indonesia now biggest 'forest killer'
Perils growing for Earth's biodiversity hotspots
Bill Laurancebiodiversity, biodiversity hotspots, endemic species, local endemics, endangered species, biogeographic regions, habitat destruction, habitat fragmentation, climate change, Madagascar, locally endemic species
Using old smart-phones to fight eco-crimes
Bill LauranceRainforest Connection, Smart phones, Cameroon, Zoological Society of London, Sumatra, illegal logging, gold mining, poaching, illegal hunting, illegal wildlife trade, forest monitoring
Are vines taking over the planet?
Bill Laurancevines, lianas, tropical forests, Amazon, carbon storage, forest carbon, carbon dioxide fertilization, tree growth, William Laurance, Stefan Schnitzer, vine infestations, positive feedbacks
Will corporations save the Earth?
Bill Laurancemultinational corporations, Alice Korngold, globalization, global problems, global environmental crises, Golden Agri Resources, Asia Pulp & Paper, Greenpeace, social issues, no-deforestation pledge, corporate-NGO alliances
Australian government "most hostile to the environment"
Do the world a favor: Dob in an eco-sinner today
Bill LauranceWildLeaks, WikiLeaks, wildlife poaching, illegal wildlife trade, Andrea Crosta, ivory trade, elephants, tigers, illegal logging, chimpanzees